


Yet again, Evan Doyle and the Crew at BrookLodge, Macreddin Village have surpassed themselves with this year’s offering of Wild&Slow. Each year, Slow Food Sugarloaf presents their annual Wild and Slow Celebration. The day commences with a Wild Foods Masterclass...

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Adventures with a Vegetable Box Scheme

Adventures with a Vegetable Box Scheme

Back in May, I received an email from a farmer in Galway who ran an organic vegetable box scheme. It was a plea for help. He explained that his business was to deliver boxes of organic vegetables to homes all over the country under the name Green Earth Organics. His...

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Pig Keeping?

Pig Keeping?

Slow Meat advocates “Eat less meat, but of better quality”, the reason being that the intensive farming methods of modern meat production are a contributing factor to global warming. So in pursuit of this and also dreaming of living a fully sustainable life style I...

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Hello Northern Ireland

Hello Northern Ireland

A big warm welcome to Slow Food Northern Ireland. Laura, Jonny, Erin and Jo have recently revived this community. They recently held their first "Meet Up" of pizza, kombucha, beer and chat and in their own words "were chuffed to have such an engaged group of people"....

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New Website

New Website

Well! Here it is - our brand new website! It's been a long labour of love and frustration but I think you'll agree the end result was worth it. Take your time to have a look around, there's a lot of links and updated features. Use the Contact Us button to let us know...

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There’s a lot happening in March. Spring has sprung, the daffodils are everywhere thanks to the lovely mild weather we’ve been experiencing – a far cry from last year when we were snowed in! The Seasonal Food Chart for March has been added and this month’s recipe...

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Group Travel?

Group Travel?

If anyone is interested in travelling as a group to in May to Slow Fish in Genoa, or in September to Cheese in Bra, please Contact Us.

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